Pedro Point Headlands Project

Pedro Point Headlands work continues apace. To date, the Pacifica Land Trust has secured and managed grant funds of more than $185,000 that has been used for restoration and trail development of this valuable and awe-inspiring, but badly damaged, site.

We now have a completed draft trails plan, and extensive work has been done to mitigate the erosion caused by years of use by motorcycles and off-trail vehicles. We have made great progress toward erosion control, along with the removal of exotic, invasive non-native plants and replacement by native species. Our goal is to eventually open the area to full public use with well-developed trails. This area now is open only on a limited basis, when nature walks are conducted on the site.

Photographs by Stephen Johnson

San Pedro Creek at Pacifica State Beach

Pacifica Land Trust
P.O. Box 988, Pacifica, CA 94044
(650) 359-7191

For further information:

Last updated - March 14, 2002